Sunday, February 22, 2009

La Semana in News #15

Forget Build-A-Bear. Build-A-Trike is much more fun.

More troubles for Sprint. How is a "BB+" rating a downgrade from a plain "BB," though?

Hooley Hooley KC stylee.

She might just make it after all...Sebelius for HHS top spot? Maybe...

The stripper took my nipple!

Drunky rotten scoundrels. Drink more (Rican) rum.

But don't try to swindle the Rican peoples because they will catch you (and air your dirty laundry while they're at it for kicks).

¡Arriba, Cotto! I know the island must have been on fire last night.

Rican heat in the Chitown cold.

Cry, cry, baby!