Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Eye See, You See...

Picture it: 1420 Clifton St., NW. 6:30ayem. Woke up just fine to turn off the alarm. Ten minutes turned into fifty when the Jayhawk nudged me. And then the mad dash starts. Pick outfit (cute yet sensible for the big chill outside), iron, shower, listen to report on the radio about the Sri Lankan cricketers getting shot in Pakistan, shave, brush teeth, confirm weather report, get dressed, do hair, stuff bag, what the hellz is this about Obama speaking differently to blacks v. whites (?!...effin' Politico), throw on scarf/coat/bag over my shoulder, where's my Metrocard (?), grab keys, turn on iPod, adios sleeping Jamie, out the door, avoid getting hit by traffic while walking on the street to the bus stop because the sidewalk's iced over, get on the bus, really wanting a bowl of Cream of Wheat. All in less than an hour. It's happened twice in just as many days. I really need an alarm clock that will keep trying to wake me without annoying the Jayhawk. Maybe one with disturbing googly eyes that keep staring at me impatiently will work. If only he were for sale...