Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Like Toy Soldiers

Have you been wondering what LiLo’s been up to other than spending all of SamRo’s money on her trancarexia (Spanish term I just learned on Monday night thanks to Cristina Lasvignes* and her cohorts on "Tal cual lo contamos*" – "tranca-" from "puesto hasta las trancas" = “blitzed” + "-rexia" obvs from "anorexia" – all referring to girls who don’t eat so they can get their calories in by drinking the night away)? Making horribly sad Italian TV clothing ads. If LiLo keeps going the way she's been going, pretty soon she'll be one of the personalities I outlive from Her career pretty much is. Ooph…This really hurts:

And speaking of outliving, this was my result:

You've outlived John Wilmot by almost two weeks. He was a friend of King Charles II, libertine, and author of satiric and bawdy poetry. He died of syphilis and alcoholism on July 26, 1680, 296 years before you were born.

Syphilis and alcoholism. That sounds about right.

(*Websites en español)