Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Them's the Breaks

Much like the world economy, my Internets were broken for the past few days. And it was no bueno, mis bonitos. I've spent my time watching endless hours of reruns on HGTV, Food Network, and the Travel Channel, and being educated on the horrors of child abuse in Spain thanks to the lack of Web access and the lack of new episodes of my shows on regular network TV. But I did learn that no recession is a good recession and that no good magenta is a real magenta. Both are mind tricks, much like how HTC is tricking me by releasing their new GPhone on Vodafone and Telefónica with no plans to let us officially play with it here in the States. HTC: I love you. Why do you do you toy with me so? I want some Magic in my life, too.* At least Art Lebedev will let me have some verbal time in my life. For $211.54. But I can still have it.

Back to the magenta thing for a second, though. If magenta isn't a real color, then what color is this blog? And what color is my new argyle sweater that I hold so dear? I thought I was being all non-DC and cool by owning it. Does this now mean that I'm totally anti-cool because I'm simply imagining that the sweater even exists? And have I fooled those around me by seeing it, too? Or maybe it's the ultimate in mind tricks that Banana Republic's got us all believing in the sweater? Curses to you, retail fashion sorcerers!

(*Article en español)

Update!: Magenta is a color, after all.


BoSox Siobhan said...

Reading that post was like having a 2AM drunken conversation with you, Mango.

Mango said...

And I was completely sober when I posted this, too, LDub. Color me crazy Rican.