Double feature! Tonight I'm going with K & The Triple J to see these two amazing acts at the 6th & I Synagogue. The show's sold out, so, for those of my bonitos who can't make it, today's Pretty Pictures are the videos to my favorite songs of theirs for you to enjoy: Wildbirds & Peacedrums with "There Is No Light" and Lykke Li with "I'm Good, I'm Gone." Can't wait!
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Pretty Pictures Version 01.28.09
Today's Pretty Pictures are Beirut with "La Llorona," which in Spanish means the "Weeping Woman," and which every Hispanic culture has a legend about. By the way Alberto and Rod have been whining over the past few days, we could start our own "El Llorón" legend here in the States, don't you think?
The point is that you can't trust an amigo, onetime. Much like you should never trust our favorite amigo, Alberto Gonzalez. He's really going around proclaiming that he's another good guy misrepresented by the evil media? Berto and the Blago should get together and start their own Church of Delusions. And yeah, neither Alberto nor Rod are mis amigos. Blech. Shizz...
(*El Coloso is a Registered TM of Colón Brothers, Inc.)
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Pretty Pictures Version 01.27.09
Apt song for a sleepy, wintry-mix night. Especially after my arse was at work early early so I could make it on-time and awake to my new bi-weekly staff meeting. Which I didn't make to early, at all, because I didn't bother to read the e-mail thoroughly enough and went to the wrong conference room. Jeebus, me...Where's my Laughing Cow cheese to laugh up my day?*
Anyway, enjoy today's Pretty Pictures: Passion Pit with "Sleepyhead."
(*Cuter ad from the UK, BTW.)
20 Million Viewers
Can I Haz My Cupcake
Monday, January 26, 2009
Pretty Pictures Version 01.26.09
No love for the economy today. Sprint-Nextel, Intel, Caterpillar, GM...You name it, they're losing it. Those losing their jobs should stay away from today's Pretty Pictures so that they don't go full-on depro. But the video and the song are pretty, nonetheless. Currently opening for TV on the Radio: The Big Pink with "Too Young To Love."
Watch Out!
And you know what else is coming? Wii-njuries.* Hablando en plata just had a report on how they're of concern in Spain. Seriously?
(*Article en español.)
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Pretty Pictures Version 01.25.09
Praise to Metro cruising by the boy in today's Pretty Pictures. And to the '80s. When will the love for this trend ever stop? Maybe next year when it'll be time for the '90s to start making their comeback. 20-year cycles, friends. Master Shortie with "Dead End."
La Semana in News #13
And neither do football coaches. Sayonara, Herm.
It's all well-deserved hugs and kisses for film directors, though. Check out the trailer here. Dayum...
And props to local artists. Mark your calendars for June 6, bonitos.
Zero respect for former Rican governors. Not that he deserves any. At least he knows who his friends are now, right?
Even less love for former commonwealth senators. Doesn't matter that he's manning up now. No choice there.
In contrast, there's mad love for the Rican boxer. Que descanse en paz.
As well as for our wooden saints. Santo, santo, santo...¡SANTO!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Pretty Pictures Version 01.12.09
So, this is what happens late nite at the convenience store. I wonder if Rita Jean's ever put on a show like this at the 7-11 down on U Street? Maybe if I put on today's Pretty Pictures Rita and I could put on a show for the 7-11 peoples together with The District and Timmy as back-up. That would be effin' high-larious! Kid Cudi and "Day 'n' Nite."

My only hang-up is whether or not to port my current Sprint number over to my new account. On one hand, I've had my number for 11 years, and to give it up would be a little hassle. On the other hand, though, a new number celebrates a new year and a new Mango. Oh, what to do; what to do?
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Pretty Pictures Version 01.11.09
Who else thinks today's Pretty Pictures have a Prince "When Doves Cry" vibe to it? Apollonia would be proud. La Roux with "Quicksand."
La Semana in News #12
A ray of Kansan sunlight in the dark despair of Gaza.
Get your culture on up in one of the lectures at the Art Institute.
Doing Lamar proud.
Bombs away! Early spring cleaning on Culebrita.
Get the cash you need in a flash with Cash Point, Gov. Fortuño.
Does Rico really need another luxury golf course when people are going hungry?
María Celeste's making 'em sweat (and cry). Katie Couric should take some notes.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Pretty Pictures Version 01.07.09
More excitement and fun (music wise) for today's Pretty Pictures. She's on the BBC's list to watch for 2009. They did pretty well with their list from 2008 by mentioning MGMT and Adele, and looky how well they did for themselves. Hopefully this girl's got many good things coming to her, too: VV Brown with "Crying Blood."
Here Comes the Rain, Again
(*Ojo: Let the page fully load to enjoy the merriment)
(And, thanks, Rita, for being my shipping address once, again)
Who Said Ricans Were Demanding?
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Pretty Pictures Version 01.06.09
Those last pictures were ugh-lee. Sorry for that. To make up for them, here are today's Pretty Pictures: Sky Larkin with "Fossil, I." Forgive me, now? Good.
¿Qué tha Wha?
Jaime Cantizano! How could you? I know you're only an unbearably hott hunka man who merely hosts a trashy 4-hour "celebrity" gossip round table show in Spain, but i thought you at least would have semi-objected to the idea for this spot. Love how she lost a track from her weave, though. Maybe that made it all worth it for you, too, ¿eh, guapo?
Gimme Gimme #13 (Edición Especial)
Not the Chamber of Commerce; the Department of Commerce
Monday, January 5, 2009
Pretty Pictures Version 01.05.09
Maybe we'll get a better rating thanks to today's Pretty Pictures: A Camp with "Stronger than Jesus." It does have Jesus in the title, after all. Just sayin'.
How Did This Happen?

Sunday, January 4, 2009
Pretty Pictures Version 01.04.09
Dayum! Don't mess with mah girl in today's Pretty Pictures. She took a page from Stella, got her own groove back, and is singin' it to the world. Jazmine Sullivan with "Bust Your Windows."
La Semana in News #11
2009: The year for KC artistry.
Get me some eggs and milk while you're at it.
Sign o' the shaky print media times. KC Kansan goes on-line only.
An inauguration fit for the stars. Even my parents sat up in the VIP section.
Speaking of stars, JLo and Skeletor are not getting a divorce, gracias very mucho.
Rico gets its own peseta!
Use it to pay for dinner at one of these fine restaus.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Pretty Pictures Version 01.03.09
Kinda Halloweeny to rid the ghosts from your head, today's Pretty Pictures are Cats in Paris with "Foxes." I know I need to get rid of the ghosts in my head after too many fun times last night at the P-Rat. Ooph...The P-Rat. I lovey you and hatey you all at the same time.
(PS and BTW: Why the Polly's website gone? Cici needs to renew her registration, onetime. Just sayin'.)
Friday, January 2, 2009
Pretty Pictures Version 01.02.09
¡Wepa! These are the first Pretty Pictures of 2009! Me likey The Joy Formidable with "Cradle." Hope you likey, too.
Now someone please 'splain me why every single one of my posts today are full of exclamations. I think my latest trip to Rico has had me talking and typing louder than ever before.
My Kwanzaa Will Never Be That Happy
And speaking of Three Kings Day, remember that Gimme Gimme post on calendars? Um, yeah, this is the one you can get for me. I knew fire was hott but never that caliente! Dayum! ¡Echa chispa!
¡Date Prisa Que Vamos Tarde!
A Stamp Is Forever

Thursday, January 1, 2009
¡Japi Nu Yi-ar!
Update!: I had no need to get re-drunky. I apparently was well drunky and posing at Casa Chimney Fall to ring in the New Year in style. Ooph.