Not about
the Rican juices*, but about the painting in El Prado. Looks like
"The Colossus" by
Franciso de Goya y
Lucientes is not Goya's at all. Just so happens that Goya's quietly (since he's been dead, to be fair) been taking the credit for having painted the gentle giant for decades now.
But he's really the work of one of Goya's apprentices, Asensio Juliá. Once, again, the fame ho' takes the credit while the real talent stands in the shadows. Kinda like how Eleanor Waldorf took credit for Little Jenny
Humphreys' designs on the
Gossip Girl. But Little Jenny showed Eleanor who's the real
bosslady, didn't she? And now Little
Asensio's showing Francisco who's the boss, too.
Jeebus, the art gods will strike me down for having written that.
The point is that you can't trust an amigo, onetime. Much like you should never trust our favorite amigo, Alberto Gonzalez.
He's really going around proclaiming that he's another good guy misrepresented by the evil media? Berto and the
Blago should get together and start their own Church of Delusions. And yeah, neither Alberto nor Rod are
mis amigos.
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