Wednesday, November 5, 2008

(and Now in Spanish): ¡Sí Pudimos!

Luis Fortuño beat Aníbal Acevedo Vilá last night. I wouldn't call it the crushing victory the Rican papers are calling it, but it was a horrible defeat for AAV however you look at it.* And good riddance. The fact that AAV even ran for the governorship is unreal. Talk about megalomania. But the fact that the PPD leadership allowed him to have the party presidency and run as its candidate simply boggles the mind. Never mind the 768,000 Ricans that voted for him. Where have these people been this whole time that they're seemingly unaware that their leader ran the Rican economy into the ground and is a crook and all-around slime bag? Incredible...

But, whatevahs. What's important is that AAV is no longer in power. And that my momma's cousin won the San Juan mayoral race last night, too!* ¡WEPA!

(*Articles en español)