Friday, November 7, 2008

Get Up Under That Bus

I refuse to post a Fox News video on here but will link to this one because it proves a point. Off-the-record Palinisims are now on the record. She didn't know who's in NAFTA (shocker) or that Africa's not a country (cause for concern). What's a greater cause for concern, though, is the fact that the media agreed to keep shortcomings like those off the record in the first place? Obvs that all Johnny McC wanted to do was win using La Palin's MILF factor and did not properly vet her at all. AND now he’s showing that he’s more than willing to throw her under the bus as a wannabe diva with uncontrollable emotional swings to save what little political face he has left. It's horrible. But it would have been worse for the nation had they won. I mean, what does that really say about Johnny that he'd knowingly go with someone as unqualified as La Palin was/is and stand by that decision at any cost? It's insulting, and a maverick he is not. I need a drink now.