Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Gimme Gimme #16

It's so gross and rainy that I'm in the mood for asking for some things that will keep me nice and dry: nice umbrellas. Unlike the free Red Cross umbrella I found in my office that almost poked Candy's eye out this morning while we waited for the bus.

This umbrella (in the green) is kinda cool and not too girly. But I'm looking for something a touch more masculine, and this one does the trick. And then there's this one, which I've always liked because it makes me think that it'll keep you sunny-day smiley on nasty rainy days. This one will definitely make people do a double take. But this one will get me the techie green kudos that are so in vogue now. Too bad it's just a concept because it is pretty effing cool.

And now I've got Rihanna burned in my brain. Great...