Friday, December 5, 2008

Gimme Gimme #8

Only 20 more days until the birthday of the Little Baby Jesus. How about gifting some Nativity scenes to commemorate the occasion?

For a mere $5185 (sans tax) you can gift the fancy Lladró set. I suggest you hit up Uncle Karl for this one.

The there's the cutesy, throw-back Precious Moments set. Doesn't that take you back?

Celebrate in modernity with this sleek and faceless olive wood set.

Or keep it traditional and rústico with this Mexican number. Actually, go with this Peruvian set.
Peruvian is the new...I can't finish that sentence.

But if you want to give a meaningful gift, go ahead and make your own like this guy. Your cheap-arse ways will get you nowhere with me, though. Pastores a Belén, indeed.