Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Gimme Gimme #6

We're back to asking for ourselves and not for others. And what better way to do that than by wishlisting items for the home?

Totally diggin' these multi-colored nesting bowls. They're not all red like the rest of our kitchen, but they're too cool to not make me drool over them. And they'd make a prefect compliment to the (red) stand mixer the Jayhawk's been drooling over.

These decals would go sooper well with our black and white tile kitchen floor.

Maybe we should get a dining room table before we get the tablecloth and napkins for it? Nah...I've never been one to actually put the horse before the cart.

I think we can do a cool Kansas meets Rico Christmas theme by decorating the hooge tropical spider plants the Jayhawk rescued from the cold with ornaments like these and these.

¡Vino vino, ay, que fino!

And, Jeebus, do we desperately need help with all of our remotes.

All of these are available right now and not next year like what H&M is spoda come out with online in February 09. I hope that H&M's venture into home furnishings means that Zara Home will finally make itself available to the Merican market. Until that happy day arrives, we can get our fix for some of the stuff they offer in person at Home Rule.

And, yeah, no babies. We can't have that. Just sayin'.