Sunday, December 28, 2008
Last Night the DJ Saved My Life
Apple Jelly: Radio
Little Pictures: I Wish I Could Keep You
Miami Horror: Make You Mine
Bishi: Never Seen Your Face
Meg: Distante
Glasvegas: Geraldine
James Yuill: No Pins Allowed
Choir of Young Believers: Action Reaction
Threatmantics: Don't Care
The John Steel Singers: Rainbow Kraut
Eugene McGuinness: Fonz
honeyhoney: Little Toy Gun
Jonjo Feather: Taxi
A Cuckoo: Adore
Alessi's Ark: The Horse
Longwave: I Don't Care
The Monolators: Don't Dance
Dan Black: Yours
Hot Lava: Apple Option Fire
Magic Arm: Widths & Heights
Thieves Like Us: Drugs in My Body
Caspa Codina: Music in My Brain
Bájalo aquí: http://(Down came the rain and...)
Update: ...washed the music out. Link removed, mis bonitos. Lo siento.
Monday, December 22, 2008
¡Japi Bandera Day!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Pretty Pictures Version 12.16.08
There's apparently been vintage pr0n on the brain now that 2008 is coming to a close. First I find that one of the top ten TV ads for 2008 is a 70s pr0n-filled spot for Diesel's SFW XXX party (#7, to be precise). And then I find today's 70s pr0n-inspired Pretty Pictures: We Are Standard's "Last Time." Not that I'm complaining because music and pr0n are all that the Interwebs are meant for in my book. But it all makes me go hmmm, nonetheless.
Gimme Gimme #16
This umbrella (in the green) is kinda cool and not too girly. But I'm looking for something a touch more masculine, and this one does the trick. And then there's this one, which I've always liked because it makes me think that it'll keep you sunny-day smiley on nasty rainy days. This one will definitely make people do a double take. But this one will get me the techie green kudos that are so in vogue now. Too bad it's just a concept because it is pretty effing cool.
And now I've got Rihanna burned in my brain. Great...
¿Qué pasa, USA?
Sunday, December 14, 2008
La Semana in News #10
Music is always the first to go when purse strings get tightened.
The Mongolians (by way of Texas) are coming! Do we really need yet another chain restaurant, though?
Zoo life is no bueno for KC elephants.
Maybe they should escape from their cages like the panthers do in Rico. And it still hasn't been caught. Ooph.*
Flaming June's going on vacay in Madrid.
¡Ay, qué rico en Puerto Rico! Take note, KC.
Aww...Abdullah the Butcher's retiring. I can't believe he was still fighting. Isn't he like 500 years old now?
(*Article en español)
Friday, December 12, 2008
Pretty Pictures Version 12.12.08
Today's Pretty Pictures are just a little something to kick start your weekend. James Yuill with "No Pins Allowed." Folktronica, indeed. Who comes up with these ridiculous categories? Seriously...
Gimme Gimme #15
A place I always run back to, though, is Hank's Oyster Bar. Another is Mark & Orlando's (although Mark did call me out on not having been there in like 2 months). Yet others are Ten Penh and Ceiba and Acadiana. Jaleo and Zaytinya are faves, too. And gift certificates to any of those places would make great stocking stuffers. As would certificates to places I've never been before (Café Atlántico, anyone?). Mango's always up for some good food.
¡Leones y Tigres y Panteras, Ay Bendito!
(*Article en español)
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Pretty Pictures Version 12.11.08
I'm trying to stay out of the rain. Me no likey the cold rain while waiting for the bus. But I guess I'm going to have to listen to the boy in today's Pretty Pictures and just get over it. Okay, fine...I'll get over it, Eugene McGuinness with "Moscow State Circus."
Gimme Gimme #14
Anyway, black bags. Burberry caught my eye. I'd never pay that much for a bag that I use for little more than a style accessory and not to actually carry anything in. But it's nice. As is Matt & Nat's. Which would have been nicer had I followed through and gotten one 3 years ago when no one in DC knew who they were. But it's still nice. Much like demano's (the Universitat M 123-Verde, that is). Not black but green. I can make it work, though. But I can really make it work with Toscanella's bag! Oh! Com'è bello quello sachetto! Now that would make an impression on the 52 bus.
Ni que fuera el Rey de Roma que aiga caído del cielo...
But seriously, Ricky. Declárate, ya. The Gayken did it. You can, too.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Pretty Pictures Version 12.10.08
This is not what Inauguration Week will be like next month even with the later last-call hour no matter what Dianne et al. may think. It'll be happy times full of drunky revelry and dancing to the tune of today's Pretty Pictures: Thieves Like Us and "Drugs in My Body." Can't wait!
Gimme Gimme #13
I remember when this wine was just $12.99 at the old Casa Peña next to the Soviet Safeway on 17th Street. Oh, how I miss those days (and that vino).
Those were the same days when I was introduced to this rum. Demmed good stuff. And coming from a Rican, that's a high compliment. The only thing that I think Rico's got that competes is this rum, but I'm gonna be in Rico in 8 days and will get it on duty free, so I can gift that to myself.
I'm not a big brown likker person, but this bourbon is too good to pass up. Thinking about it makes me want to go back to the bar in the lobby of the Philadelphia Park Hyatt where the drunky Jayhawk and I made friends with everyone there and made semi-fools of ourselves trying to act sober with a VIP client of mine. I was mortified. The Jayhawk giggled.
And to lighten things up, this beer will blow you away. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like it's for sale in the States. But if you happen to be in the Europes, have a bottle or ten if your liver and memory can take it.
Bottoms up!
You Ain't Woman Enough To Take My Man
¡Arroz, que Carne Hay!

It's about time The Food Network had some Nuyorican soul filling thier studios up with the smells of real sofrito and arroz con gandules and pernil and bacalaítos. It's going to be "smack yo momma good" times (Daisy's words not mine)! Although, to be fair, I'll be DVRing her show because it's spoda come on at 9:30ayem on Saturdays. Ooph...
(*Click on this link for Guanabee's take on the good news and for quite the vomitocitous photo of Ray Ray with chocolate and spoon. Fo! I was so happy to have forgotten about that photo. I need to lick a chocolate spoon of my own [drrty!] to forget it now. A gift of Daisy's cookbook might help me forget it, too. Hint hint.)
(Photo courtesy of A la Carte Communications)
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Pretty Pictures Version 12.09.08
Still no plan approved to save the Big 3 from going kaput. I'm not altogether sure I agree with bailing out the 3 car companies asking for help (their cars suck), but I do hope the apathy and fear don't immobilize Congress into approving even the scaled-back plan that's been tentatively agreed to. Maybe today's Pretty Pictures can motivate them: Lily Allen with "The Fear."
Gimme Gimme #12
Then, again, I could always drink to keep the cold away. Or watch movie involving the drink! Or watch Penélope Cruz movies while hitting the drink! Yeah, that sounds about just right.
Let Your Body Move to the Music
Monday, December 8, 2008
Pretty Pictures Version 12.08.08
Going along with cutie pie toys, how about some cuite pie indie music for today's Pretty Pictures? Emiliana Torrini with "Big Jumps."
Gimme Gimme #11
Happy sock monkey with hat is adorable.
And there's nothing cuter than Curious George.
Even monkeys in the shower make me giggle.
But Hanno cannot be beat! If I ever wanted a pet monkey, Hanno would definitely do. Alright, alright...He's a gorilla and not a monkey. But I can call him my cutie pie monkey when I play with him. And I'll love him forever and ever. Too cute.
Just make sure you make the deadline for Xmas shipping arrival time. I wouldn't want my dreams crushed if Hanno doesn't get to me by Santa Claus Day.
The Future Is Now

Sexo y el Campo
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Pretty Pictures Version 12.07.08
Miss Loretta Lynn was awesome last night. The show was super entertaining. It was a little weird to leave a show at the 9:30 Club that ended at 8:30PM, but it was much fun times. So, today's Pretty Pictures are my thank you to Miss Loretta for coming back to DC and showing a little city Rican a good ole country time. Here's Loretta Lynn with "Coal Miner's Daughter."
Gimme Gimme #10
La Semana in News #9
In the market for a house? You can get one for cheap tomorrow.
Music make me hongry.
I'll be there in 11 days!
Wait what? The boxer in fishnets lives in Rico?
Jorge's taking everyone down with him just like he promised. Alberto Goachet pleads guilty to being a douche.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Pretty Pictures Version 12.06.08
Today's Pretty Pictures prove that there must be some krazy powder sprinkled into the BBQ sauce in the KC. And me lovey. Thanks to The District for turning me onto these boys: Ssion with "Warm Gloves."
Gimme Gimme #9
Friday, December 5, 2008
Pretty Pictures Version 12.05.08
Changed the face of human kind. That's what the Little Baby Jesus did. And the boys in today's Pretty Pictures agree. dEUS with "The Architect."
Gimme Gimme #8
For a mere $5185 (sans tax) you can gift the fancy Lladró set. I suggest you hit up Uncle Karl for this one.
The there's the cutesy, throw-back Precious Moments set. Doesn't that take you back?
Celebrate in modernity with this sleek and faceless olive wood set.
Or keep it traditional and rústico with this Mexican number. Actually, go with this Peruvian set.
Peruvian is the new...I can't finish that sentence.
But if you want to give a meaningful gift, go ahead and make your own like this guy. Your cheap-arse ways will get you nowhere with me, though. Pastores a Belén, indeed.
L'économie? Ce que l'économie?
Here We Go

Mine's Bigger Than Yours Is
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Pretty Pictures Version 12.04.08
And after eating through all those gift baskets and boxes, we'll need to dance off the pounds to the cutesy Kiwi electro indie pop in today's Pretty Pictures: Little Pictures with "This House Can Fit Us All." I'm more worried about my pants fitting me all, really.
Gimme Gimme #7
I know this is corny, but I've always wanted someone to get me a Fruit of the Month Club membership. It reminds me of when my momma used to get pears shipped to her in Rico from Texas every month when I was a wee fruit, myself. Sigh...
How about some popcorn? Or cookies?
A nice cesta full of cured meats and wine would be nice. Although you can always keep it real and get a caja full of Rican coffee treats. Or keep it Midwestern with some KC BBQ goodness.
And there's yummy foodstuffs of the Omaha variety to use on with that BBQ sauce, too.
But if you really want to get to this man's heart, give a little bit of rice to those who most need it, and improve your vocab skillz while you're at it.
Num Yummy!
No Star Chef for You!

(Photo courtesy of Metrocurean)
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Pretty Pictures Version 12.03.08
I wish I would have found today's Pretty Pictures a month ago when we won back the Prezidencee. Highly mellow and uplifting: The BPA featuring Emmy the Great with "Seattle." Kinda like a 2008 indie version of Wacko Jacko's "Black or White," right?
Gimme Gimme #6
Totally diggin' these multi-colored nesting bowls. They're not all red like the rest of our kitchen, but they're too cool to not make me drool over them. And they'd make a prefect compliment to the (red) stand mixer the Jayhawk's been drooling over.
These decals would go sooper well with our black and white tile kitchen floor.
Maybe we should get a dining room table before we get the tablecloth and napkins for it? Nah...I've never been one to actually put the horse before the cart.
I think we can do a cool Kansas meets Rico Christmas theme by decorating the hooge tropical spider plants the Jayhawk rescued from the cold with ornaments like these and these.
¡Vino vino, ay, que fino!
And, Jeebus, do we desperately need help with all of our remotes.
All of these are available right now and not next year like what H&M is spoda come out with online in February 09. I hope that H&M's venture into home furnishings means that Zara Home will finally make itself available to the Merican market. Until that happy day arrives, we can get our fix for some of the stuff they offer in person at Home Rule.
And, yeah, no babies. We can't have that. Just sayin'.
I Can Haz 20th Sentury

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Pretty Pictures Version 12.02.08
Do you think that the lady who complained about John Barrowman exposing himself on the radio imagined that he had low-hanging wrecking balls and complained because she didn't like that visual? Ha! Think about it while you look and listen at today's Pretty Pictures: The John Steel Singers' "Rainbow Kraut."
Gimme Gimme #5
There's always donating to hospitals like St. Jude's. And that's an easy one to give to because CVS has hooked up with them, again, this year, so you can give $1 each time you check out.
There are also organizations like CHIME that promote and provide music education for DC schoolchildren during and outside school.
If helping the homeless is your game, there's Christ House, providing medical care for sick, homeless men and women.
We all know HIV/AIDS is rampant in this fine District, so why not give to better-known organizations like Whitman Walker, but also to lesser-known ones like Metro TeenAIDS?
We also know that we all need to eat, so give to groups like Capital Area Food Bank, Meals on Wheels, or SOME.
And if animals are more your speed, shelters across the country (like The Washington Animal Rescue League) really need help to stay afloat. some have been closing 2-3 days a week because they can't afford the staff time.
Just a few suggestions and thoughts.
You see? It's not always about the Mango up in here. ;)
Tv on the Radio?
Monday, December 1, 2008
Pretty Pictures Version 12.01.08
And speaking of spoonfuls of sugar, how about a little candy indie pop for the first Pretty Pictures of December '08? I say, Architecture in Helsinki, gimme "That Beep."
Gimme Gimme #4
I'm a Little Bit Country...
Kansas has gone all Latino Christmas culture on us. I think it's a pretty cool idea to expose the majority to the ever-expanding minority. All they need is to order some of the pasteles from that lady in Nueva Yol, and they'll be set. Yummy times.