Now this is who Andre, Valentino, and Karl need to beat to a purple pulp.
$150,000 spent by the RNC to wardrobe La Palin and her minion?! WTF?!
"Nothing says Main Street like Saks Fifth Avenue," indeed. It doesn't even matter that
it's all going to charity at the end of the campaign. This is too disingenuous even for Repubs. And why the feck can't she buy her own demmed clothes for her and her kids when there are too many mothers out there who can barely afford to clothe or even feed their children? She be making 'nuff coin by selling Alaska's liquid natural gas to the Japanese, onetime.
But La Palin's got the freeloading down masterfully, so this is just par for the course, I guess.
I just wish she would have made better fashion choices. If you're going to spend $150K on clothes, make them count. The clothes should pop. Hers don't even fizzle. Pffft...
Oh! But look at it this way.
"If Sarah Palin's $150,000 wardrobe had a life of its own, it would get a tax cut from a President Obama." Ha!
(Photo coutersy of BET)
You call her fraudulent expense reports freeloading; I call it the Republican version of re-distribution of wealth! I guess it is ok when it is in their favor. This shows she is exactly like every other politician.
Nice observation, friend. I totally agree.
Your people weigh in and they aren't happy...
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