Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Where You Think You Live?

That is the question for La Palin. Why she so afraid (and reinforcing that fear by furthering it at her rallies) about Socialist Obama? As we've seen before, she already governs the Socialist Utopia of Alaska. And it's her party leaders that pushed for the nationalization of the banking system and is considering nationalizing the auto industry, too (to then sell off the Government interest to foreign buyers). The people who should really be scaring her are her fellow Repubs.

It's easy for La Palin to gloss over all of the above when more and more numbers show that (while expected) Barack's ahead in early voting in Ohio and is (unexpected) catching up with Johnny in Arizona (!). It's also easy, however, to let guards down by thinking that the election's in the bag. Sleazy tactics like this reminds us all that it is not. And when even telemarketers walk off the job, it confirms that the sleaze factor is ramped up full on. Remember that lipstick pit bulls and their maverick owners attack more fiercely and viciously when backed into a corner. Keep your eyes on them, B.