Sunday, October 12, 2008

La Semana in News #2

This made the Jayhawk pretty happy yesterday. KU beats Colorado 30-14.

But this would make the Jayhawk quite mad today. Ooooh...Fightin' words!

Peterjohn and Gregory agree on tax relief, diverge on how. Peterjohn and Gregory...Why am I hearing Swedish indie boys whistling?

Tagline too good to mess with: Second lottery win makes Kansas man flush. Ha!

Whoap! Daddy Yankee fights back.

Rico v. Vancouver for the USL championship. The USWhat?

Shaken and stirred. 6.1 magni...tude quake hits Rico and the V.I.

George Clooney filming "Men Who Stare at Goats" in Rico. Hmmm...Staring at goats...George's pornstache makes a little more sense now.