It's the same tired story (read: SATC = Cashmere Mafia = Lipstick Jungle = SATC Redux) just set in a different city. Capitol Hill girls are anything but fashion, and anyone who's hung out at Red River Grill or Lounge 201 or Cap City Brewhouse or Tune Inn (blah, blah, blah) can attest to that. So we'll see if HBO even picks it up since wannabe political power-playing by unfashionable 20-somethings in DC doesn't necessarily spell ratings winner. It seems more apt for MTV or even the CW than for HBO. Although, they could include each of the girls' gay boyfriends to make things more interesting. Hmmm...I smell cult following and Washingtonienne viewing parties! It already has a Wikipedia page, so you know it's a done deal.
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