Thursday, October 16, 2008

Mr. Wurzelbacher if You're Nasty

I think it's fitting that Merriam-Webster's word of the day today is castigate because Johnny looked like he had his arse handed to him last night. I dunno. There was something in his crazy eyes and multiple looks of surprise that gave off the impression that his advisers hadn't fed him either the correct or complete facts to help him out last night. Or maybe it's just that Johnny's not made for HD because I definitely thought he was lookin' rough, and the Jayhawk thought he actually looked drunks. Plus, he was all over the place. It was embarrassing. I don't feel sorry for him, but shizz was embarrassing. Especially when the very people you're trying to win over for votes are laughing at (not with) you.

And what about Joe the Plumber? What did he have to say about it all? Even after all the insincere gimmickry that was Johnny's use of Joe's name, Joe still has nothing to say regarding who he'll vote for. I guess he's not ready to be Johnny's friend just yet. Although maybe it's Johnny who shouldn't be Joe's friend since Joe's the tax cheat. Oh, Johnny, when will you learn?

Update: Looks like Joe isn't a plumber in Toldeo, after all.